Juvenile Bureau

Brenda Myers
Director Juvenile Bureau/Regional Juvenile Detention Center

“The mission of the Comanche County Juvenile Bureau is to maintain a juvenile justice system that provides accountability and responsibility for its clients, their families, while protecting the public to the best of its ability within the guidelines of the law.”
The Comanche County Juvenile Bureau is a juvenile justice entity located in Lawton, Oklahoma. The CCJB exists to enhance public safety by reducing juvenile delinquency and is comprised of two departments: Court Services and Probation Services.
We work closely with the Juvenile Division of the Comanche County District Court to provide intake, diversion services, and probation services for the youth of Comanche County. The CCJB is responsible for receiving, evaluating, and recommending appropriate action pertaining to persons under the age of eighteen years found within Comanche County and alleged to be delinquent or in need of supervision.
The Intake Officers are responsible for the initial screening of youth and the supervision of non-adjudicated youth. In most cases, the Intake Officer is the first contact that a juvenile has with the Juvenile Justice System after the police department. In many cases the Intake Officer will assign a juvenile to complete a Diversion Program.
Diversion Program
As an alternative to filing a charge against the juvenile, the intake officer may in certain cases, design and monitor a diversion program when agreed upon by the youth, the parent or legal guardian, and the District Attorney. This process is provided to provide consequences for the commission of the offense and correct the behavior with minimal legal intervention.
The purpose of probation is an opportunity for the juvenile to correct the personal and social behaviors.
The Probation Service provides case management, education, advocacy, and accountability for adjudicated youth. Probation is a legal status imposed by the court upon entering a disposition order. It allows juveniles who have been adjudicated and made wards of the Court to remain in their homes under court supervision rather than being placed out of the home.
Deprived Case Manager works closely with the Department of Human Services and the Comanche County District Attorney office to assist in paperwork for the Courts.
Comanche County Regional Juvenile Detention Center (CCRJDC)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the mission of the Comanche County Regional Juvenile Detention Center (CCRJDC)?
The Juvenile Detention Center was established to provide short term care in secure custody to juveniles who have been accused of a crime and are awaiting adjudication, or have been adjudicated and are awaiting transfer to an assigned placement or treatment facility. Resident are only detained with a Court Order.
What do the residents do at the Comanche County Regional Juvenile Detention Center (CCRJDC)?
Youth who are placed in JDC are required to attend school whenever Lawton Public Schools is in session. LPS takes care of enrolling the residents and submitting their grades to Gateway when they are released. Chrome books are utilized at this facility. Residents are required to attend life skills programs, weekly group counseling, character education classes, substance abuse education, and job skills.
What is the intake procedure at CCRJDC?
Upon intake at CCRJDC the resident will be asked a series of questions. They will be searched, de-liced during an intake shower, assigned an individual sleeping cell and clothing items. Each resident is in his/her own cell. There is no double bunking or dorm style sleeping. The staff will then contact parent/ legal guardian to obtain more information as well as give parent/legal guardian information about the facility such as address, phone number and visitation information.
Who can visit the youth in the Comanche County Regional Juvenile Detention Center (CCRJDC)?
The only persons permitted to visit are parents, and legal guardians. No more than two visitors per youth are permitted on the visitation list. Attorneys of record can visit during regular business hours. Clergy are asked to call the facility to schedule an appointment. They also need to provide ordination papers. Boyfriends, girlfriends, siblings, infants and toddlers are not permitted to visit. In extraordinary cases, special visits may be discussed with the JSU Caseworker or Probation Officer assigned to the youth. Any special requests will be approved or denied by the Deputy Superintendent or Superintendent of the Comanche County Regional Juvenile Detention Center. All visitors will be scanned by staff prior to admission.
Who can the residents speak to on the telephone while being detained at CCRJDC?
Due to confidentiality concerns, no incoming calls to residents (other than from Court Service Personnel) will be allowed. Residents will be allowed to call only parents or legal guardians specified on their approved telephone list. If a parent misses a phone call from their child, a second call will be attempted if time permits. The resident and hi/her family will not be charged for a long call. CCJDC will not accept collect calls.
What can be sent to residents detained at the Comanche County Regional Juvenile Detention Center (CCRJDC)?
Residents detained at this facility are provided with all of their clothing and personal hygiene needs. They have no use for money at this facility as everything they need is provided for them. The only items allowed (and they must be postmarked thru the Federal Mail System) to be sent to a resident are:
• Letters – Not from prior residents or any other lockdown facility or placement
• Pictures – Nothing pornographic, or gang related.
• Stamps – Center provides from 1-4 stamps per week, but additional stamps are accepted thru the mail. They will be inventoried and stored for use by residents and issued out to the resident daily upon request.